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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Different plants you can use for your Seattle Landscaping

When we talk about landscaping, we automatically think about plants. In fact, if you are one of these people who have thought such, you are right. Landscaping is all about the creative manipulation of nature- which includes plants- to create a beautiful garden.

As mentioned earlier, landscaping is all about the use of plants to create the design. However, what are the plants that can be used for landscaping? The answer is that you can use any plant to improve your backyard spaces.

However, if you would opt for Seattle Landscaping ideas, you can only use plants that are found locally. Other landscaping ideas will encourage you to import other plants found in other regions. Why is Seattle Landscaping ideas different?

The thing about using local plants is that they are low impact to the environment. This means that they do not need extra care to be able to survive the fact that they can adapt to the natural environment in the area. For instance, if you live in Washington State, Seattle Landscaping ideas state that you can only use plants that are native to the region. You can choose plants like Viola or other perennial shrubs. These plants can adapt to changing season in the state.

The bottom line here is that wherever region you live, if you plant to create your own landscaped backyard, you need to use plants that are grown locally. The tendency of using plants that are not able to adapt well is that you put in a lot of inputs like water and fertilizer. Moreover, these plants cannot adapt to the natural insect pests in the area thus you also put in a lot of pesticides to protect them which is something that is not ecologically sound. Seattle Landscaping ideas revolves around beauty and sound ecological management.

If you do not know any plants that are native in your area, you can consult the contractors that you have hired for the job. They have extensive knowledge on the different plants that they can use for you project. They can also suggest which plants you can use not only to improve the aesthetic of your backyard but can also improve the quality of your soil or act as insect repellant or can be used for other purpose like to flavor food or can be used to treat ailments.

Learn more about Seattle Landscaping.

Seattle Landscaping is Homeshow Daily's specialty. Visit us online or at one of our showrooms to get bids from our pre-screened Seattle Landscaping Contractors

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