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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Which Promotional Materials To Include In Your Conference Satchels

Conference satchels are important promotional items that you should prepare if you are organizing a conference, an exhibit or a trade show .  Giving away promotional bags during conferences has been a long-standing tradition  and it seems that events  will never be complete without them. If you are one of the sponsors of the conference, then it is important that you prepare for the delegate bags that you will give out to the participants. Aside from preparing the bags, it is also important that you include other promotional materials inside the bag.   As a general rule, sponsors who have high contribution to the event gets a place in the goodies bags so you should consider it as an honor to have the opportunity to make a good impression on the participants.

Since the conference will be sponsored by a lot of companies, your promotional items in the speakers gifts will compete with those from other companies. So which promotional materials should your company put inside the conference satchels? There is really no definite answer to this question but it is a safer option to give out materials that the delegates can use such as writing materials and souvenirs. On the other hand, below are some of the things that you need to consider to know which materials you should include in the promotional bags.

Determine Your Budget

It is crucial that you determine your budget when planning for promotional materials that you want to include in your promo bag. Set aside a budget for the promo items that you can afford and break it down for every attendee that will be joining the event. Make sure that you choose promo items that will impress the attendees. Never undersell yourself.

Get To Know The Audience

Take some time to get to know the people who are going to be attending the event. Although giving away generic promotional materials is okay, it is better if you make the right impression to the participants. By knowing the demography of the participants, you will be able to use promotional items that they can appreciate.

Go For Fun Promo Items

If you have doubts which items you should include in your trade show bags, then go for those that have fun factor in them. By giving interesting promo items, you will be able to get the attention from the delegates so they can easily remember your business.

Remember that events like conferences and trade shows is not great for educating people but it is also the best event for you to create brand impression to your possible clients. 


  1. Really helpful article. Selecting the right promotional products for your business is quite hard especially if your a start up business owner but thanks to this article. Promotional products are cost effective marketing tool. Having your company name and logo printed on these items will surely boost brand awareness for your business. While customer’s constant use of these items guarantees a lot of exposure for your brand. For promo items from Australia you may also visit
