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Sunday, November 18, 2012

What You Need To Know About Putt Putt Boats

There are lots of toys that you can give to little boys. Boys seem to be fascinated with mechanical toys like cars, trains, planes and boats. However, these kinds of toys can be expensive as they come with small machines inside them and they also run on batteries or other types of power source.  This is the reason why most parents couldn’t afford to buy these toys to their children.

However, there is a better alternative to this and that is to give putt putt boats. Also called pop pop boats, this type of boats are named after the popping or gurgling sound that it makes once it is powered up.  This particular toy is unlike any other mechanical toy as it is powered by steam. Inside the boat, a small boiler made from copper is found that is connected to two long hollow copper wires. The boiler serves as the source of the steam that propels the boat forward even without any moving parts. 

In order to generate steam, the boat uses candle or an oil burner which is placed underneath the metal burner. It usually takes several seconds before the boat is powered on because the water inside the boiler needs to be hot enough to produce steam.  In a way, how the putt putt boats work is governed with the laws of physics and a lot of young men who have this kind of  boat really enjoyed playing with this kind of boat.

The boats are usually made from tin metal but there are also those that are made from hollowed out wood or from plastic. Moreover, they also come in with different shapes and designs and while you can choose designs that resemble old steam boats, there are also pop pop boats that resemble modern-day boats.

Since this type of boat does not come with any moving parts, they require little maintenance. This means that this kind of boat can handle rough play which young boys are so accustomed of doing. The boiler and the copper, should they break can easily be replaced without sending the boat to a toy repairman.

However, while this kind of boat comes with a lot of advantages, it is also important to take note that they come with some minimal downside. Since pop pop toy boats rely on open flame as a source of power, it is important for young boys to play with it under adult supervision.  Do not allow your kids to play with these toy boats without you to guide and supervise them because it may cause some burns. 

And as a last note, playing with putt putt toy boats with your kids can give both of you the quality time you may need.  It will also teach your little one on this little concept of steam engines and how the boat runs with its pop popping sound. It will make your time worthwhile spending the day with your little one as you catch and play with this running toy boat.

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