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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Promotional Retail Bags And Why There Is A Need To Use Them

When plastic bags were first invented, it caused a lot of excitement among a lot of people. Finally, things can easily be carried using these lightweight petroleum-based receptacle. However, the world’s dumpsite has accumulated millions of tons of  plastics that take about thousands of years to decompose. Moreover, an average Australian throw out at least one plastic bag each day which adds up to the mountain of garbage in the local dumpsite. To make matters worse, plastic bags are easily carried off by wind and eventually settle in the ocean where millions of marine mammals die due to toxicity after eating or from entanglement.
Today, plastic bags present a lot of bane to the environment as well as to mankind. This is the reason why there are lots of retail store owners who offer alternatives to package their products. Although paper bags are great alternatives, the use of it encourages deforestation. For this reason, most retail store owners offer  promotional tote bags  as a better alternative to both plastic bags and paper bags.

Using shopping tote bags present a lot of benefits. Most of them are made from sturdy fabrics so they can be reused for several times thereby reducing the pollution by more than 10%. However, the downside to using tote bags is that they cost more than plastic bags but even this is the case, they are still cost-efficient because of their many benefits. Today, a large number of retail shop owners offer promotional bags to their customers as a way to uphold their responsibilities to both man as well as to the environment.

There are more to promotional bags than just reducing solid waste. In fact, they are more preferred by lots of people because they are great when it comes to building the brand impression among clients. The purpose of a promotional merchandise is to promote passive advertising. In fact, promotional bags can generate thousands of brand impression within a month and all there is to it is for clients to carry the bag with the logo of a company wherever they may go. Out of the many types of promotional products in the market, this particular promotional merchandise is the only one that can generate a lot of sales lead and this is the reason why most retail stores opt to give them to their clients over other items.

The use of shopping bags as  promotional merchandise is a thriving industry. In fact, there are now lots of companies that manufacture promotional products but promotional bags are very popular because they serve a lot of purpose. With this, it will be soon that such promotional products will replace plastic and paper bags.

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