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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Popular Promotional Products In 2013

Promotional products are now considered hype when it comes to effective marketing strategies. In fact, most entrepreneurs wanting to promote their business to their clients use promotional advertising by giving away corporate gifts for free. Now if you are an entrepreneur and you want to take advantage of using promotional items to promote your business, then  below are the most popular promotional gifts in 2013.

Desktop Buddies

Personalised gifts such as desktop buddies are now becoming more popular today. Examples of such promo item include pens, calculators, mouse pads, note pads and other items that you will normally find in a desktop work station. Although these promotional products are very simple, they are very functional and that most people use them. Since there is a high chance of your items being used by your clients, you have to put your company name as well as business information on the promo items and they will opt to contact your than your competitors.


A house will never be complete without a calendar. The classic calendar is still a popular giveaway this year. Although most of use rely in our gadgets to remind us of the date, there are still many people who do it the old fashion way. When giving calendars as promotional advertising tool, make sure that you give new calendars three months before the new year starts. In fact, most companies give out calendars as personalised gifts because it is an indispensable item in any home. Make sure that you include your business information on the calendar so that your clients will be able to remember you whenever they need your services.

Small Devices

Giving away small devices as promotional advertising gifts is also popular this year. Examples of such promotional products include USB flash drives, projector pens, mini radios, LED flashlights, solar charges, desktop clocks, pedometers and calculators to name a few. These promotional products might be expensive but they are really effective in getting your message across your clients.

Personalized Hygiene Kits

Other popular personalised gifts that you can give to your clients are hygiene kits. Hygiene kits include toothbrush, towels, soap, lotion and hand wash soap. What makes them great is that they are very functional and that people always find ways to use them wherever they may be.

Giving away promotional gifts does not require you to give away expensive items. The trend this year is simplicity and functionality so go ahead and invest in these promotional products. 

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