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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Putt Putt Boats: A Classic Toy That Never Runs Out Of Style

Putt putt boats have been enjoyed by kids all over the world since 1891. It is one of the most popular  toy boats during the early 1900s until the late 1960s. Unlike any other toy boats, this particular boat is special not only by the popping sound that it makes but because of its unique mechanism. Also called the pop pop boat, this boat can move forward without using any propellers as it relies on the power of steam  to drive the boat forward. Although there are now many modern toy boats that are manufactured today, steam toys like the pop pop boats still remain classic toys that never run out of style.

Pop Pop Boats Come With Classic Design

Unlike the outrageous design of most electric-powered boats, putt putt boats come with classic designs. The classic design  of pop pop boats makes them resilient from the ever changing trends in toy boats. In fact, most pop pop boats are patterned from real-life boats which make them very popular among children, boat enthusiasts and  toy collectors. Pop pop boats are favorite items toy collectors seek not only because of its unique mechanism but because of its limited designs. There are a few toy manufacturers that make steam toys like this and they only release limited editions of every design that they make. You can say that pop pop boats are above other toy boats in the market.

Pop Pop Boats Last Longer Than Other Toy Boats

Since this type of toy boat requires heat to move it forward, putt putt boats are made from metal alloy instead of plastic. This makes this particular type of toy more durable and less prone to wear and tear. Since it is made from metal, they also last longer. This is a perfect cost-effective gift that parents can give to their children. Since it lasts a long time, pop pop boats can outgrow childhood and those who have grown out playing with them can share them to the younger siblings, cousins or even grand children in the future.

Putt putt boats are great examples of steam toys that  remain timeless and resilient despite of the changing trends in the toy industry. Thus if you are a parent who wants to give your kids something that they will enjoy playing with for a long time, then giving them a pop pop boat is the best toy that you can give them. 

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