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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Custom Mugs: What To Avoid When Choosing This Type Of Promotional Merchandise

Drink ware is the most common promotional merchandise used by different businesses to promote their products. In fact, it accounts for almost 7% of the international promotional products industry. Having said this, drink ware such as custom mugs are effective promotional items that companies can use to promote their products and services. The reason why mugs are great promotional items because they have high usability and they have broad appeal to the target market. However, before you decide on giving mugs to your clients, it is important that you know how to choose the right mugs to use as promotional merchandise.

Avoid Gigantic Mugs

Bigger is usually better but this is not the case for custom mugs. Although clients think that they are cool, gigantic mugs are actually inconvenient over time. Moreover, they also take too much space in the cupboard. Although they make good storage containers, gigantic mugs are still something that most people cannot appreciate. Thus, if you are going to give mugs as promo products, it is better to give those that come with standard sizes.

Cheap Thermal Mugs

Thermal mugs are great promotional products that you can give to people who work in the office because they keep drinks warm for a long time. However, it is important that you give those made from high quality materials. Avoid giving cheap mugs because they easily leak. Moreover, this also reflects poorly on your business. Remember that promotional merchandises represent your company so it is important to give them quality custom mug.

Mugs With Small Advertising Space

Giving away small mugs is something that you should avoid because they are not effective marketing tools. Small mugs come with small spaces so you have limited advertising space to put your logo, company information and contact details.

Mugs That Do Not Come With Ergonomic Designs

When giving custom mugs, it is important that you give mugs that are functional. There are many mugs that come with different designs  and if you give those that lacks ergonomic design, then they will be ineffective promo products. Choose mugs that will feel good in the hands of your clients thus it is important to avoid mugs that do not come with handles and those that are too big and too small.

Custom mugs are great promotional merchandise and it is important that you carefully plan on the type of mugs that you will give to your clients.

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